Wednesday, May 30, 2007

vote for drupal

Drupal has been selected as a finalist by the editors at CNet Webware in the first ever “Webware 100” Awards, from over 4,000 user-submitted nominations. Winners will be announced on Monday, June 18 and posted on

Voting is NOW OPEN, and will remain so until June 11. So please, vote for Drupal!

Vote for Drupal in the CNet Webware 100 Awards!

Monday, May 14, 2007

installing bluetooth manager on my debian laptop

i just wanted to install some kind of bluetooth connection manager in my laptop, coz i had some files to be transfered from my mobile to laptop. my laptop is a compaq presario m2000 and i'm using debian(my favourite OS) on it.

first i installed bluez-utils package.

apt-get install bluez-utils

then i conected the bluetooth dongle and ran hciconfig .

hci0: Type: USB
BD Address: 00:11:67:1D:ED:DC ACL MTU: 678:8 SCO MTU: 48:10
RX bytes:4816991 acl:18400 sco:0 events:7524 errors:0
TX bytes:657600 acl:7361 sco:0 commands:71 errors:0

so with the previous result i knew that the dongle is recongnized and then i wanted to scan for new devices. then i turned on blutooth in my mobile phone(sony ericcson k750i).

then i executed hcitool scan and it gave me following result.

praveen-laptop:/home/praveen/Desktop/Downloads# hcitool scan
Scanning ...
00:18:13:4F:4A:61 Praveen K750i
00:03:7A:E0:9B:EE CHANDIKA
00:17:4B:D4:29:56 Chandika Nokia 6630

now it seems that i can connect into the phone. so i wanted to know
some more information about my mobile so i ran hcitool information 00:18:13:4F:4A:61 and gave me the following result.

Requesting information ...
BD Address: 00:18:13:4F:4A:61
Device Name: Praveen K750i
LMP Version: 1.2 (0x2) LMP Subversion: 0x41c
Manufacturer: Philips Semiconductors (37)
Features: 0xff 0xed 0x8d 0xf8 0x1a 0x08 0x00 0x00
<3-slot> <5-slot> ....

then i installed gnome-bluetooth debian package. so i selected to download it, so i had to update the sources.list which resides at /etc/apt/sources.list .

deb unstable gnome-bluetooth
deb-src unstable gnome-bluetooth

i added the following two lines. then i tried to update apt but it seems that you need a public key to access the newly added sources.

so then i ran

wget -O- | sudo apt-key add -

to add the key to the apt trusted key list.

hard work is over it seems. then i ran apt-get install gnome-bluetooth in order to install gnome-bluetooth

when the install completed there was new button appearing under

applications ->accessories -> bluetooth file sharing.

when i clicked on it. the service got started and then i tried to send an image file to the laptop from my mobile and it worked.

wooow, at last.

but to send files from my laptop to mobile i still have to use the command gnome-obex-send which opens a new window asking to which device i want to send the file.

thats well done.

i'm catching up and living with linux.