i just wanted to install some kind of bluetooth connection manager in my laptop, coz i had some files to be transfered from my mobile to laptop. my laptop is a compaq presario m2000 and i'm using debian(my favourite OS) on it.
first i installed bluez-utils package.
apt-get install bluez-utilsthen i conected the bluetooth dongle and ran
hciconfig .
hci0: Type: USB BD Address: 00:11:67:1D:ED:DC ACL MTU: 678:8 SCO MTU: 48:10 UP RUNNING PSCAN RX bytes:4816991 acl:18400 sco:0 events:7524 errors:0 TX bytes:657600 acl:7361 sco:0 commands:71 errors:0so with the previous result i knew that the dongle is recongnized and then i wanted to scan for new devices. then i turned on blutooth in my mobile phone(sony ericcson k750i).
then i executed
hcitool scan and it gave me following result.
praveen-laptop:/home/praveen/Desktop/Downloads# hcitool scanScanning ... 00:18:13:4F:4A:61 Praveen K750i 00:03:7A:E0:9B:EE CHANDIKA 00:17:4B:D4:29:56 Chandika Nokia 6630now it seems that i can connect into the phone. so i wanted to know
some more information about my mobile so i ran
hcitool information 00:18:13:4F:4A:61 and gave me the following result.
Requesting information ... BD Address: 00:18:13:4F:4A:61 Device Name: Praveen K750i LMP Version: 1.2 (0x2) LMP Subversion: 0x41c Manufacturer: Philips Semiconductors (37) Features: 0xff 0xed 0x8d 0xf8 0x1a 0x08 0x00 0x00 <3-slot> <5-slot> ....
then i installed gnome-bluetooth debian package. so i selected tuxfamily.org to download it, so i had to update the sources.list which resides at /etc/apt/sources.list .
deb http://download.tuxfamily.org/osrdebian unstable gnome-bluetooth deb-src http://download.tuxfamily.org/osrdebian unstable gnome-bluetoothi added the following two lines. then i tried to update apt but it seems that you need a public key to access the newly added sources.
so then i ran
wget http://download.tuxfamily.org/osrdebian/61B8DB62.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -to add the key to the apt trusted key list.
hard work is over it seems. then i ran
apt-get install gnome-bluetooth in order to install gnome-bluetooth
when the install completed there was new button appearing under
applications ->accessories -> bluetooth file sharing.
when i clicked on it. the service got started and then i tried to send an image file to the laptop from my mobile and it worked.
wooow, at last.
but to send files from my laptop to mobile i still have to use the command gnome-obex-send
which opens a new window asking to which device i want to send the file.
thats well done.
i'm catching up and living with linux.